

Peace be with you

We are Calgary First Mennonite Church and we would love for you to join us for worship.  Every Sunday at 11:00 am, we gather together in our sanctuary at the corner of Richmond Road and 25th Street in southwest Calgary.  We sing hymns, pray, listen to scripture, and reflect together on what God is doing in our lives and in our world.  


Our congregation is a small but welcoming group of people from various backgrounds who are sustained by the love of Jesus.  Some of us are old and some of us are young; some of us grew up in this congregation and some of us only recently started attending.  However we are all on the journey of learning, growing, and discovering as we follow Jesus together.  


We recognize there are different ways of expressing faith in Jesus.  We are Christians first, but we are a congregation particularly nestled within the Mennonite/Anabaptist tradition.  An important part of that tradition, for us, is a commitment to understanding how the saving life and ministry of Jesus might make a tangible difference to how we live in our world and through our relationships.  When human beings are able to experience and reflect the incredible love, grace, and acceptance of God for us, then the result is peace with ourselves, with our neighbours, with our enemies, and with all creation.

Our Mission:

Together, we are guided by the Holy Spirit to faithfully live in a way that embodies the life and love of Jesus of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.  Therefore, we endeavour to be a refuge: a community of belonging, support, and healing, where we joyfully accept every person as a beloved gift of God.

Upcoming Events

Sunday School

September 8th

Sunday School starts up in September!

School Kit Dedication

September 15th

Join us at 11:00 am on Sept 15, as we welcome Linda Dickinson from MCC and dedicate 330 school kits.

Fall Fair

September 29th

Come Join us for our Fall Fair!