Partners & Affiliations
Church Affiliations:
Mennonite Church Alberta
MCA is a fellowship of 11 congregations from across Alberta, including Calgary First Mennonite Church, representing various cultural groups united by our faith in Jesus Christ.
Mennonite Church Canada
Mennonite Church Canada is our nationwide community of faith made up of five conferences, or "area churches."
Camp Valaqua
Located just outside of Water Valley, Alberta, Camp Valaqua is dedicated to proclaiming the good news that God is the Creator, we are God's people, and the earth is placed in our hands as a gift and a trust.
Partner Agencies and Non-Profits:
Mennonite Central Committee
For over 100 years, MCC has shared God’s love and compassion for all through relief, development, and peace.
Mennonite Disaster Service
MDS responds to disasters, rebuilds homes, and restores hope by organizing and empowering volunteers in Canada and the United States.
Mennonite Mutual Insurance
Since the 1960's, MMI has carried on the Mennnonite tradition of mutual aid, providing property and liability insurance for homes, churches, farms, and businesses.
Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
The Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta maintains archives and resources, and publishes newsletters, papers, and books in order to foster, preserve, and celebrate the heritage of Mennonites in Alberta.